


视频: 红灯区跳舞女 爽!






El Ilusionista - Película Completa (Español Latino)





视频: LN- 2012情趣钢管舞


视频: 2012日本爆乳肥臀AV女优在大陆卖身体


视频: 真正的原始辣妹鋼管秀


视频: 情趣辣妹鋼管秀


视频: 艺体宝贝nastia




手机拍客: 露点艳儛


视频: 近乎全裸:乳神里克尔梅与男模水中大跳艳舞!


视频: [lady gaga]高清mv ,[Bad Romance]此歌获mtv 8项大奖


视频: Lady Gaga《Poker Face》高清MV


视频: Lady Gaga Yoü And I MV


视频: I Love YoU So(好听,but,你懂的)


搞笑 如此诱人的主播,绝对正点


视频: 丰臀翘臀美女如此勾引男人


视频: 爆乳丰臀翘臀美女打针勾引色狼 搞笑视频


视频: 美女做擦鞋工cp73.com我怎么就没遇到呢?


爆乳美女诱惑男人 搞笑视频经典短片


视频: Jordan Carver show


视频: Plum Cake




德国超级波霸乔丹 卡佛 小岛写真Jordan Carver - Survivor


视频: 欧罗巴波霸并尤物热舞a


视频: 超波霸重口味写真 赤裸娇躯秒杀众









El Ilusionista - Película Completa (Español Latino)

视频: 丰满美女军人

视频: 丰满美女军人


DJ酒吧 慢摇舞曲 性感美女热舞 性感热舞狂欢 性感辣妹热舞1



The Best Diet

If you're searching for the "best" diet program, you'll find a ton of results on Google, but you likely won't see any results in the mirror.

The secret to losing weight and never seeing those pounds again is to create a lifestyle that helps you live lean and healthy. Research shows that successful dieters create their own strategy to cutting calories that they stick to, even when it's the weekend, holiday, vacation, or when they don't have any weight to lose. Bottom line: They never take "time off" from their healthy eating plan.

If a diet program is too restrictive or includes foods you don't like or that are essentially "foreign" to you, you're setting yourself up for failure. If you're a carb-lover, a plan like Paleo or Atkins would be less likely to be successful compared to a vegan or low-fat approach. Likewise, if you like to cook, a commercial weight-loss program that requires you to eat boxed meals, bars, or shakes will be less satisfying for you.

According to results of the National Weight Control Registry (NWCR) and other studies, there are several tactics associated with weight-loss success. Apply these six lifestyle strategies and create your personalized program to peel off pounds once and for all.

RELATED: For more smart, starvation-free ways to lose weight, try one of these non-diet diets.

1. Write Your Pounds Off
Dieters who keep food journals lose more weight and are more likely to keep it off compared to those who don't keep tabs on what they eat. Keeping an eating log—whether it's with an online program like MyFitnessPal or recorded in a notebook—will help you become more mindful of what and how much you put in your mouth. Record the time, what you ate or drank, and rate your hunger before and after eating. (A hunger scale is a great tool to help you monitor your appetite.)

2. Think Quality Calories
Nearly 90 percent of the dieters in the NWCR restrict unhealthy junk foods and beverages to achieve a slimmer physique. A recent study from the University of Pittsburg, published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, found that those who had the most diet success limited desserts, fried foods, and sugar-sweetened beverages. These foods are considered to have the most "addictive"-like qualities and are primed to be stored as body fat, while they stimulate hunger and cravings for more of the junk. On the other hand, foods such as fruits, veggies, lean proteins, and whole grains are nutrient-rich and keep you satisfied.

RELATED: Kick of your new, healthier way of eating with this seven-day clean-eating plan.

3. Put the Brakes on Booze
Alcohol is a two-for-one in a bad way, according to research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition: It acts directly on the brain to stimulate appetite and simultaneously makes high-calorie foods more appealing. If you can't give up alcohol altogether, max out at one to two drinks a week.

4. Turn Off the Tube
Those who watch more than two hours of TV a day also eat more calories and exercise less than those who limit screen time. Eating while catching your favorite programs is also associated with overeating because the distracted nature shuts down your hunger-regulating hormones. In addition, other studies show that images of desirable foods shown on TV trigger ghrelin, the hormone that makes you hungry. The best bet is to limit the telly to no more than two hours a day and use commercial time to do bodyweight exercises.

5. Go with the Pro(tein)
Studies show that protein provides more metabolic advantages over either carbohydrates or fats when it comes to losing weight and keeping it off. Many experts suggest that the success of low-carb diets is due to the higher amounts of protein rather than the low amounts of carbohydrates. Shift some of your carb and fat calories to protein, striving for 20 to 30 grams in each of your main meals for the most benefit.

RELATED: Hey vegans! Whip up some of these high-protein vegan meals to be sure you meat your pro needs. (Non-vegans will love them too!)

6. Move It!
Just 1 percent of successful losers from the NWCR say they lost weight with diet alone and 9 percent slimmed down with only exercise, whereas 90 percent combined diet and exercise. A fitness program that provides aerobic conditioning, intervals, and strength training—which helps the body retain more lean tissue while losing body fat—are most effective to torch calories and keep your metabolism revving.


Julie Upton, M.S., R.D., C.S.S.D., is a registered dietitian and coauthor of The Real Skinny: 1001 Fat Habits & Slim Solutions (Penguin 2013) and cofounder of Appetite for Health

SHAPE Shares: Must-Have Resources to Accomplish Your Goals in 2013

Happy New Year! Whether or not you made resolutions, if you want to make 2013 your healthiest year yet, it doesn't hurt to have help. We've rounded up the top five healthy living resources you need to make your goals a reality. Here's to a fit and fun year!
1. Your healthy living panel. We've tapped the top diet and fitness experts to support your diet andfitness efforts. From Jillian Michaels to Zumba Fitness instructor Kass Martin to SHAPE fitness editor-at-large Jay Cardiello, these experts are the best at what they do. We'll be showcasing their tips on SHAPE.com as well as chatting with them on Facebook and Twitter all month long. Stay tuned for the full lineup!

2. The right fitness gear. Whether you're a dedicated gym-goer or a fitness newbie, you'll need the proper sports bras, shoes, and more, and there's no better time than now to splurge on some brand new equipment. FitSugar put together a list of cute, stylish, and practical clothes, bags, and gym accessories. As they say on Parks and Recs, "Treat yo'self."

3. Inspiring stories to keep you going. Losing weight is one of the most popular resolutions, as well as one of the most easily broken ones. Not everyone falls off the wagon, though. The editors at Huffington Post Healthy Living rounded up 10 inspiring stories of readers who aimed to lose weight—and reached their goal.

4. Little tips to be more productive. One of the most common complaints we hear from people is that they don't have enough time to exercise. These 27 tricks from the editors at Greatist will help you get and stay organized, no matter what it is that you're hoping to do, which will ultimately help you to better use the hours you do have to accomplish more.

5. A healthy meal plan. If you feel like your diet could use a fresh start, take our seven-day clean eating challenge. With five simple guidelines and a week's worth of dinner ideas, it makes eating well a snap.

10 Ways to Save Money on a Gym Membership

Now is the prime time to join a gym—and health clubs know this, so they're looking to cash in. Before you even think about handing over your credit card, consider these smart strategies from the pros so you drop a lot of pounds but not a lot of money meeting this year's fitness goals.

Be a Fitness Floozy: Invest in your goals, but not necessarily just one gym. Sign up for a few three-, seven-, or 14-day trials offered at fitness facilities near your home and office. Some clubs may charge a small fee of about $25 to $50 for a trial, but many will credit your account to your first month's dues, says Pete McCall, an exercise physiologist with the American Council on Exercise. Once you have a feel for each, then commit to the best gym (and services) for you. A good fit will help you get fit.

Make a Deal: When you find what you're looking for—it helps to make a checklist, like 1) the latest technology, 2) cool fitness classes, 3) clean locker rooms, 4) savvy staff—sit down face-to-face with the membership director to discuss what they're offering you, and let them know you've been shopping around, recommends Lina Zussino, a part-time fitness instructor at BodyPump in Canada. "Ask them to meet or beat the monthly fees of their competitors," she says. "If they can't, find out how they're willing to make it worth your while, like guest passes and free classes."

Time It Perfectly: Avoid jumping on the beginning-of-the-year bandwagon. "If you sign up at the end of the month, when the sales team is trying to close last-minute deals to reach their quota, you might be able to get them to waive the membership initiation fees, credit you with a spa session, or set you up with a personal trainer," says Andrea Metcalf, a certified personal trainer and the author of Naked Fitness. In the meantime, bide your time with five- and 10-pack class coupons regularly offered on local daily deal websites such as Groupon or LivingSocial.

Ditch the Pool: Sure, swimming laps every now and then sounds lovely, but if you don't plan to go for a dip often (say, more than once a month), then you might want to toss out the bath water altogether. "Maintaining a pool tends to drive up monthly club costs and memberships fees," Metcalf says. As a rule, if you're not gonna use it, lose it.

Look for a La Carte: If you're a fitness class junkie, consider getting just a class card so that you're only paying for the instructor and space when you need 'em, Metcalf suggests. If you're just there for the equipment, however, find a facility that doesn't offer any group classes. This way you're not ponying up for extras that don't apply to your goals.

Ask About Quirky Campaigns: Whenever the marketing team gets creative, it's win-win for everyone. For example, some YMCA associations across the country, including the YMCA of Metropolitan Dallas, are offering new members the option to "Pay the Day" for the month of January. So if you join on, say, January 7, you only have to drop $7 to join, plus first month's dues. Another example is Fitness Together, a national franchise with 240 locations. This March they'll kick off their "Great Jeans Challenge" to help resuscitate dying resolutions. Participating members who follow their specific program and drop two pants sizes can receive $100 toward a new pair of slimmer jeans.

Pay as You Go: It may seem pricier to swipe your credit card with every visit instead of paying a monthly fee, but this strategy could save an average of $600, says Harrine Freeman, author of How to Get Out of Debt. That's not all: Not committing to a year upfront might actually improve your odds of, well, staying committed. People who paid per visit were 17 percent more likely to stay enrolled for more than a year compared to members who signed up for a year upfront, Freeman says.

Barter to Sweat: Some gyms and studios, especially small ones such as Bikram Yoga Park Slope in Brooklyn, NY, let you trade in a few hours of work—maybe greeting people at the front desk or helping wash towels—in exchange for free classes. Or better yet, teach a class and get a free membership, says Alan Cohen, founder and president of FitnessJobs.com.

Take a Break: Don't be afraid to put your membership on hold at any time. Whether you have a long vacation coming up or simply prefer exercising outside during the warmer spring and summer months, give your gym the heads up that you want to freeze your account, says Andrea Woroch, a money-saving expert who has appeared on The Today Show and Dr. Oz. "You'll have to pay a small fee, but the overall savings will be huge!" she adds.

Skip the Gym: Getting a membership is one way to work toward your fitness goals, but it's certainly not the only one. Plenty of people have carved their abs right in their living room (just ask devout P90X and Insanity fans). Building an at-home gym may seem initially expensive, but in the long run, the investment will be far cheaper than a gym membership. For workout plans, check out our latest app-session, Extreme Bootcamp! with Lacey Stone ($2.99, iTunes) featuring celeb trainer Stone, who's worked with Hollywood hotties, including Nicole Kidman and Amanda Seyfried.

Jillian Michaels' Top Advice for the New Year

Jillian Michaels' Top Advice for the New Year

Biggest Loser trainer Jillian Michaels is ready for a busy and exciting 2013. In this behind-the-scenes video from the January/February SHAPE fitness shoot, she reveals what's next for her as well as her top advice on how to make big changes in your own life this coming year.

Hotspot Alert: Circolo Brings Tulum by Way of NoHo

Looking for a mid-winter dose of Tulum's chic, laidback charm stateside? Cue new NoHo Italian eatery Circolo. Modeled after ten-year-old Mexican hotspot and jetset favorite, Posada Margherita, Circolo is the love child of four friends who met at the aforementioned hotel/restaurant. Alessandro Carozzino, Federico Paterniti, Francesco Barosi and Andrea De Leonardis established Circolo in the DNA of its inspiration, with a modern menu featuring the classic Italian approach to food: simple, healthy and homemade — care of head chef Fabio Scovaventi. De Leonardis, managing partner and former employee at Posada Margherita, explains the origins of the idea to bring the vacation vibe to Manhattan. "We'd often sit around after dinner with guests from New York, and they'd always tell us they wished they could eat the same way in New York, and we'd dream about opening a restaurant in such an incredible place. And then at some point we'd dreamed about it for so long that it started to feel possible."

Circoloʼs design, with interior elements that are either handmade or found in secondhand shops and refinished, is the result of a collaborative effort between the restaurant's founders and Ambra Medda, director of Design Miami, Suzanne Demisch of Demisch Danant Design Gallery and Shawn Brydges of Brydges Mackinney. The inspiration was "a touch of the old fashion and a touch of '50s Italian modernism," explains De Leonardis. If everything about Circolo sounds like it is born out of some chic community effort, you won't be surprised to hear that "circolo" is an Italian word meaning club and that in traditional Italian society, a circolo is a local spot to meet friends, chat and imbibe. The results of Circolo's imaginative partnerships are what De Leonardis calls "a fusion of simplicity in a family atmosphere, very friendly and relaxed," — sort of like a mini vacation in itself.

Visit circolonyc.com for reservations.

Read more: Tulum Mexico Comes to New York at NoHo Hotspot Circolo - Harper's BAZAAR

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